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herb planter

Pots For Your Herb GardenPots For Your Herb Garden

If you are planning to start a herb garden or just add more herbs to your kitchen or as a hobby, then you should consider herb planter boxes. It is common sense and a practical idea that you get the most from your herb plants by planting them in pots. You can have a large number of herb plants in just one small pot. With herb planter boxes, growing herbs will no longer be an issue for you.

Before you Begin

Before you plant anything in your herb planter, make sure that it is well established. There should be no trouble in moving it around if you need to change the soil or water it…in case you need to transplant it. The herb planter pot should be established six to eight inches deep, although some pots may be deeper than this. This depends on the soil that your selected herb is growing in. The mature herb plants should be six to twelve inches long when they are in the pot.

There are different kinds of herb planter pots. The size of your herb plants is usually determined by the size of your garden soil, so make sure that you use the right size of the pot for your garden. For example, a small herb planter box can house two to four herb plants, whereas a larger herb planter box can house several thyme plants and one or two of the Rosemary plants. A small pot may be sufficient for a single herb; however, it may not provide enough room for larger herb plants and the flowers that are included with most herb gardens. A medium-sized pot can usually house six herb plants, and a large pot can house eight to ten herb plants.

Make sure that you have an adequate drainage hole in your herb planter. Some of the planters have drainage holes at the bottom; others have separate holes at the bottom of each box. Keep in mind that herbs do not like heavy clay soils, and the roots of some herbaceous plants can rot if the drainage holes are not in place. For this reason, most gardeners dig their drainage holes.

Growing Plants

Herbs grow best in rich soil with good drainage. However, herbs that like sunlight should be placed in an area that does not get too much direct sunlight, as they will tend to dry out. This is especially true for herbs that like full sunlight, such as basil, chives, dill, and oregano.

herb planter

Herbs can be grouped into two main groups based on how they’re planted in their herb planter boxes. Most herbs are planted in pots that are made of glass, plastic, or ceramic. Although ceramic containers can look very pretty in a window display, they tend to get dusty fast and are not good for your herbs’ health.

Box planters are preferred by many herb gardeners because they allow for easier cleanup after they’re used. There are lots of types of boxes that you can get, ranging from free-standing planters that hang on a wall or stand on a tabletop, to hanging planters that are put inside of baskets and covered with a lid. Other types of pots include those that are rectangular tubes, triangular tubes, and hollow tubes. They also come in a wide variety of shapes, such as round, square, hexagonal, and rectangular.

Herbs need plenty of light to grow and thrive, so you’ll want to place them in rooms with well-lit windows. If your windows are not of the best quality, then you may consider using hanging herb pots instead. Hanging pots give herb plants a chance to get some sunshine every day, but you should keep in mind that you’ll probably need to put the pots on casters from time to time, to prevent the pots from drying out. Besides, keep in mind that herb pots made of stone, clay, or metal won’t rust as clay pots will.